Saturday, April 15

You the People...

TheHawk made a clutch administrative decision in bringing back Cub of the Week (look right if you haven't seen it yet). So, it merits some talk in this young baseball season. The conversation has been started by some faithful commenters, so here are there thoughts, and let's continue the discussion...

lazlo said...
Who should be Cub of the week? Todd Walker sat two games this week against the Reds. Barrett had a great week last week. Murton had a great night and is starting to hit again. Cedeno is starting to cool off (that free-swinging is coming back to bite him). None of the starting pitchers have been great except Maddux. Dempster, Williamson, Eyre and Howry have been great. Who hasn't been good? Oh yeah, Ramirez. And Perez. And Pierre (but he was on base twice yesterday). Looks like it's between Murt', Walk, and Barrett for Cub of the week. Maybe somebody will break out tonight.

Jim said...
If Maddux keeps going the rest of April the way he's performed in his first two starts, you've gotta give him player of the month. At his age, he deserves it.


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Hyposquasher said...

I am pretty undecided on this one. I agree with all the comments before, so I'll be a man and pick one.

Maddux is notorious for starting his seasons off slow, despite being a great veteran pitcher. He always gets it going by the end of spring, and REALLY gets it going by mid-summer. That's why I'm picking him for Cub of the Week.

He has surprised me almost more even than Murton thus far in the 2006 season. Everyone knows what he is capable of so the surprise isn't in the fact that he has pitched well. It's in how well he has pitched and how early. He has stepped up -- as a truly great veteran will -- to lead this team through some adversity and injuries. The truly important thing? He is leading by example.

His performance and leadership thus far could be the catalyst our fairly young team needs in order to get going in the same direction. He is showing exactly what talented but under-rated players are capable of with hard work and unfailing focus.

So, in my mind, Maddux is Cub of the Week, with the only question being: If he is pitching this well in April, and turned 40 yesterday, how well will he be pitching in September?

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which week are we talking about here? If it started, say, yesterday, it looks like Murton right now. Or maybe even Eyre. Or Walk, if he ever gets off of the bench.

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah. I see the dates. That could be a rough choice. Tomorrow night might be the deciding game.


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